So, I got that whole MySpace thing going, kind of. Brandy, let me know about the groups.
I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the fact that the only person out of the entire planet of people that has sent me a friends request on MySpace other than that Tom guy from tech support and Ramby is . . . .
my ex-husband.
I definitely feel a bit queasy over it, although I'm not entirely sure what that's about. I guess it could be that the guac I had for breakfast was a little old.
I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the fact that the only person out of the entire planet of people that has sent me a friends request on MySpace other than that Tom guy from tech support and Ramby is . . . .
my ex-husband.
I definitely feel a bit queasy over it, although I'm not entirely sure what that's about. I guess it could be that the guac I had for breakfast was a little old.
my myspace thing is you can have cooler friends than tom and your ex-husband...