it's really last minute, but i'm not sure i'm gonna be able to go to the show. turns out that someone here at sg in charge of putting girls on the guest lists forgot to put me on there. so i'm a little pissed off right now.
i'm not sure i can afford to buy a ticket either. so that means i might not be there. i love that they couldn't put me on the list. there's only 2 other sgs on the list for this show. and other shows have like 6 sgs on the list. stupid. but who knows...maybe the final guest list thing i saw really isn't final. and maybe by some miracle i'm on the list. that would be pretty nice.

yeah i saw you at the show. wanted to say hi but you were always surrounded by friends. you look beautiful in person, i like the new hairdoo. one question for you. if you live in this area, where do you get your tattoos done? i love your sleeve.