well well well just got home from work it was really busy today and it is only going to get worse! the holidays are closing in ahhhh!!!!!! gotta love it. so yesterday i got my ever livin ass kicked at work it was one of those days when you just wonder when is it going to stop... and then something came and cheered me up. i got an early b day present for tsnfrog it was really nice and very sweet. thank you sooo much it meant alot. so afterwork i came home and went out with my friend michelle. work today crazy again..... just got home i am going to clean house so i dont have to tomorrow on my day off and then i dont know what i am going to do for the rest of the evening. we shall see... oh thank you everyone for the nice comments on my art work. it made me happy! i hope that everyone is doing well. and i will catch everyone later take care xoxoxoxoxo

I just got back. I got me a different fridge and its should to be delivered this Thursday.
If it ok then Im ok with the store.
I love Best Buy I buy everything there.
Have a good night.