hello hello everyone so i am home again home again i hope that everyone is doing well. so not much going on just been working alot and i am off after tomorrow thank goodness i think kristen and i will be going out to zerotoleras show tomorrow night good times. if anyone is in that area you should so go. and then we are going to try and hit up some chessecake factory too. so lots of fun and another party on sat for out honey olivia who is moving to texas i am going
to be soo sad as for tonight i think we are all going up to applebees for dinner or something. we shall see ill talk to everyone later.xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo jessi
to be soo sad as for tonight i think we are all going up to applebees for dinner or something. we shall see ill talk to everyone later.xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo jessi

That did not take so long after all.
I hope you have fun, the Cheesecake Factory is great.
Take care and be careful.