ok hello everyone. so we went out for drinks last night which went very well it was loots of fun. i spent most of my day with santa baby in which i love doing. we ate lunch at olive garden bad thing is now that both of us dont feel very well. it was a good day until i got homw where the electric company cut off the power for a fourth of the bill being one day late. which was not even my fault. the room mate did not give me his part of the utilities
which left me trying to cover all of them . anyways enough of that off to tampa for the night and to work in the morning. i hope that evryone has a wonderful night and i shall catch everyone later. got to love the rents house
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxo jessi

That sucks that you lost power. Hope you have a better Friday. Glad that last night was fun.
I'm sorry that your roommate sucks...at least your parents don't live too far away.