one more day and i get a day off count down. t minus one day in counting. work was ok today lots of interviews getting ready to hire all the holiday help. im hoping kristen calls so that we can go walking. i am excited her and i are going to a concert tomorrow night together we are going to see cold play then we are bummin around for the day going to a couple of different places, so it will be fun i am sure. so theres alot going on with me its actually too long to write about but i think i can sum it up. work= is going well very busy, home= is alright, men= heres the big kicker so there is this guy who has liked me for a long time but will not and i mean will not express how he feels ,but yet wants me to move to jacksonville?????
i just dont get it i know that says alot in its self but come on now. the story is soo much more in detailed but im sure you all dont want to hear about it and that would be a really long entry. so i guess on the relationship side of things im lost which sucks. anyways i hope that everyone has a wonderful day and i will catch you later xoxoxo jessi

Have fun at your concert. I would say don't move to Jacksonville just yet.
Yeah I keep midol around just for hangovers. 1 midol, 2 pepto pills, and 4 glasses of water and Im good to go. anyways my philosphy is never follow someone (move) or one day it'll turn around and bite you in the ass, but then again I am a Hopeless Romantic and if you feel it's true Love then fucking go for it. no regrets don't look back. I know it sounds cheesy but it's true. sorry im a reformed Dork. talk to ya soon