hello everyone,so last night was fun we tried to stay around the house but that did not work, so we went out to Roxy's in orlando it was good times. te gang consisted of sherrie,christa,patience,chris,myles, and i. i swear as soon as we got there we were invited into vip which was fun alot of free shots. i was not the dd for once so i was palsterd. good times my legs are killing me today i am soo sore from dancing my ass off. so today i am off just hanging around it was supposed to be a work day on the house , but due to getting in really late that so did not happen. so its a lazy day. yeah! well i hope everyone is doing well. take care. xoxoxoxo

Sounds like you had a good time. drunkard. just kidding. thanx for the posts. They made me laugh. me, you, and Kristen should try to hang next week. maybe just hit a bar for a drink or something.