hello there everybody i had a very bad day
so i am going to bitch for a moment i am soo sorry bear with me. so i have this supervisior who is over me and she is a trouble making backstabbing lying CUNT and i hate her. so basically ever since all my promtions ect she has been after my ass . seeing as that she is one level above me she is able to write me up. so i have been there for 5 fucking years and have never had not even one write up. so ever since she got this bug up her ass she has wrote me up 3 times the third being today for stupid shit that is really my word against hers type deal. so today was a final which means she could demote me or otherwise so i have to really think about hwat i am going to do. all this has happened in such a short amout of time.so i got soo pissed i cried all fucking afternoon. have you ever been so mad all you can do is cry?
and i hate crying. now i have this pounding headache!
so i am thinking about getting a new tattoo at this point to mark this moment. i want to get the word CUNT tattoo'ed on me. i love that word. i dont know. so that was my fucked up day . sorry for bitching. bless my girl kristen i do love her so she is such a kick ass friend and we are soo much alike so it is alot of fun! she came over and let me gripe for a while this afternoon which i really needed it seems like no one can understand me like she can . so thank you sweetie for that thank you for being there for me and for being such an awesome freind . i am soo glad to have you in my life and that we are hanging out ect. why the hell didnt we figure it out sooner? dont know. anyways good night to all i am going to go try and make this headache go away. and back to hell tomorrow. good night. take care. xoxoxoxo jessi
and ps send some hugs my way i need them

CUNT. I like that as an idea for an interesting tattoo to have.