wow finally the internet is back up and running about time. it was out since yesterday which really does not seem like a big deal but my house phone runs off the internet too so it has been a pain in the ass. anyways glad its back now. so last night had a gathering over here it went well pretty mellow at camp jessi drinking, playing cards, dancing ect. went to bed at like 5 am . got up and went to help my friends move. now i am home and doing nothing. so all is well. have to work tomorrow booo and its my day to do the meeting yuck. well i hope everyone is doing well. talk to you soon xoxoxoxo jessi

Sounds like you had a good time.

hi you i was acctually born a red gead, and what i do to make it even more flamy, thats a secret i will take with me to the grave. but i can tell you this, i don`t ever use cemical haircolor.........