hey everybody just got home from work! i feel like ton of bricks have been lifted off me. so the audit went great! they were very happy with me. so no more stress about that. it has been an ok day thus far nothing really going on. i think im just going to clean house and play it mellow. i have a big day tomorrow. i have to work and i go to review board my interview is at 12:30-2 ahh! cross your fingers for emi really want my promtion. then i get off work and i am heading out with kristen to tampa to do some interesting must dos and then back home. anyways i guess ill talk to everyone later. oh if i dont update tomorrow night im sorry i will be in some pain . t-minus 26 hours till piercing time. have a good night everybody. xoxoxo jessi

Glad to hear that you audit went well. I hate when I have my audits.