well no walking the lake it is raining outside pretty hard. so i had alot on my mind so i thought i would write. let me just start by saying i am sick and tired of being single! yes yes i know its good for me i just really wish for once just once i could come across someone who is not an ass hole! is that so much to ask? i am over the guys whos only goals are to try and sleep with me! all i want is someone nice and caring that i can spend time with and share things with. so why am i upset ,or where did all this come from well i was faced with the hey i think your hot lets fuck thing again today. grated not in those words ect but the same message. i just dont understand where a person in their right mind has the balls to make comments like that. i dont get it. if you guys have insight please inform me. -i dont know im really sorry had to get it off my chest im sure we all know how that is. ill stop bitching i hope everyone else is doing well. xoxoxo jessi

ends from now?