ok so i decided to do this now seeing as that tomorrow (today) is to be a crazy day. so sanata baby and i went out for drinks it was me,kristen,sherrie,marcus,lorenzo,myles,ryan,ryanc,chris,jennifer,don,and april. good times bless two for one . did not wind up buzzed or anything just a couple drinks. then as usual everyone came back to my house aka camp jessi we watched some dave c. season two and everyone just went home so a pretty early night. so i will be getting my butt out of bed whenevr that may happen and i am to be meeting up with my mom for lunch at some point in the afternoon,which knowing her will more than likely turn into shopping and before you know it ill be getting ready to go out with my girls. we are going to try and get some pictures to put up we shall have to see what happpens with that. bad thing is i had taken off work on sunday and now i have to work since we fired people so that is going to suck being out and being to work by 7am and having to give a meeting to like 40 people give or take but hey what can you do? for the most part though things are going well. i am just working ALOT when im not there im with my girls. i would really enjoy finding a someone to be with to spend time with and it has to be a right someone. i have been hoping that this would happen cause it seems that i have the curse of the ass holes. i am very happy because i have come across someone who has great potential i just wish i could be like all knowing and be able to for see if things will work but hey i guess thats what time is for to see how things work right? anyways ok ill stop rambling sleepyness at its finest. good night to everyone take care and i will talk to you all soon. jeesi

Glad you had a good night ... sounds like a blast. 

thank u for the comment