ok lets see here seeing as that i have been tagged "20 random things you really did not want to know about me" 1. i have been propsed to four times and have not accepted any of them 2. i have a birth mark on my left ass cheek 3. i love having people over being the hostess ect i love company 4. i hate the smell of cigoretes and weed! 5. all though i love to have parties ect i really dont like to drink i dont like the way it makes me feel 6. and just like mother -t i was not allowed to go to sex ed so on my first period at the age of 11 i thought i was about to die as well. 7. i was raped at the age of 15- bastard and if i ever find him i am going to cut his balls off- he skipped the state 8. closest people to me are my mom who is like practically my best friend and kristen aka santa baby who is no longer on the site we are almost twins in personality ect 9. i graduated with high honors in ap for forever....... started my coll. classes then stopped got to busy with work started the never ending hampster wheel 10. i work for a retail company where i am in charge i have to deal with pissed off people and bitches often i hate people like that! 11. christmas is my favorite holiday and it is coming up soon excited about that! 12. i have made out with two of my girlfreinds at one time three way kiss kind of interesting all though i do not swig that way 13. i am an artist i love to paint although i have a bad habit of not being proud of any of my art work. 14. love to go walking or go dancing love to try and stay in shape considering i work ALOT!!!!! 15. i love tattoos i just recently started to learn the art of doing it and it is soooo interesting. 16. at the age of 13 i broke my arm super bad due to my dance teacher grabbing my waist and spinning me around" i dance professionally for 13 years- i would not go up on my point shoe and do a turn due to the floor being slightly wet during rehersal- which was not acceptable to her so she stopped the music told me to go up in the position and the spun me around hit the slippery spot and down i went. she felt oh so bad and then shit hit the fun" 17. i have had 8 surgerys on my feet due to them developing improperly from me starting point at the age of 8 i cant dance anymore at least not ballet
( but they are all better now they are cute hehehehe) 18. i have refused to date anyone in two years due to alot of males being asses and my ex tried to kill himself when i broke up with him - that will scare ya! 19. i love pasta that is my oh so favorite food 20. umm last one ..... i have had sex in a photo dark room that was fun.... well i guess that is it so i am to do some tagging at this point i tag tnsfrog,SHAWN, Auroraphobe,zerotolera , and sugar back to the normal day stuff i am off today thank goodness really dont have anything planned besides going to massge theropy which i look forward to every week . strange i sooo crashed out on the couch last night dont know why dont even remember falling asleep. strange..... anyways i hope everyone is doing well you know me take care and i will talk to you later.

2.) Are you to show us?
7.) I sorry to hear that
10.) I know how you feel.
12.) I wish I could have seen that.
13.) I like the ones you posted