hello everyone ... just woke up. so first off thank you everyone for the sweet birthday wishes that meant alot to me. and thank you again to tnsfrog and SHAWN for my birthday presents you guys are very sweet! so yesterday i went to dinner with some of my very close friends michelle,kristen,april,christa,patience,jason,brandon,marcus,and a few others we went to applebees my food sucked! but i was not about to gripe and my drinks kicked ass so they all evened out i guess. so i was thinking about cancalling the party that so went out the window. everyone is looking forward to it and everyone already got their costumes so here we go yet another party at camp jessis where there will be alot of people from the sounds of it. i got a very insightful present last night from brandon which suprised me he got me a dali book and a very very big canvas.. i thought that was very nice and i have never gotten anything like that ever. anyways i will let you guys know how the event of the evening goes. i will talk to you guys later. take care .love lots!

I'll try to come
Wish that I could be at your party.