home again long ass day at work today it soo sucked i was in a bad mood all day i could have ripped some of the employees heads off, but i refrained . so i have an off schedule today and instead of being off on wednesday and sat i am off on monday and wednesday i have to close on saturday and then the great thing is that i get a whole week off after that which starts on sunday which will be great the only bad thing is that my attetion is being requested in soo many directions. and i dont know what to do..... i will figure it out. so i went and saw the movie WAITING last night which was funny as hell! it has my man dane cook in it too which rocked! so as for my day tomorrow i am going to go out with my mom and then i am going to dye my hair so i am excited about that as well . we are going to do red under layer with black on top or over layer. so fun fun. well i guess i will be talking to everyone later. take care. xoxoxoxoxo

Please post pics or at least send me one.
Sorry to hear about your day.
Have a wonderful night and a great day tomorrow.
[Edited on Oct 09, 2005 9:07PM]
Can't wait to see the hair.