hello everyone how are you doing? another day off thank goodness i love the days off but then i dont want to go back to work the following day but i guess thats how everyone feels. so on my wonderful day off i got a bomb dropped on me which was to buy my house which is my step dads or move figure out somewhere else to live. which is a really big thing to decide and figure out. so at this point im thinking i a going to move cause i am not really ready to be locked down to the whole buying house thing at this point i thought i was but there is just soo much going on ....... and things keep popping up day by day and you never know whats going to happen. you know what i mean?
i dont know maybe i dont make any sence or maybe i do who knows......but all in all it was a lazy day did not do very much at all. i did go get some cheesecake and snickers icecream bars which i will be eating shortly and i am looking very forward to
so off to work tomorrow at 7 am ...... yuck
but i cant do anything about that . so i will write again tomorrow after i get home from work and call my mom . so i hope that everyone has a good night and i will talk to you tomorrow after noon. you know me take care xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo jessi

You should so fucking move to Saint Pete. There is so much more going on here. Apartments are cheap and It's fun. You'd love it. No matter what you do I hope it all works out.
I totally agree with ZeroTolera, lets get the fuck out of Polk (Hell on earth) County and see how the rest of the fucking world does things!!!! Just don't move too far, I love having you close by!!