Well I began writing this about a Follogon years ago but I guess some of it still applies so I'll just edit some of it:
So well today I feel as thought I'm dyingI'm not sure if it's
a) Yesterdays Guiness binge [Note: 'yesterdays' Guinness binge was actually about six weeks ago, so I'm mostly over this now...]
b) My new renewed fitness regime
c) The flu [Note: The Flu has been and passed...so I'm mostly over this now...]
d) All of the above
Still shouldn't moan
So whats hobo been up to in the last few weeks.
A) Work as per usual
B) V festival.
C) Copenhagen
So work is hectic and getting more hectic and I'm tiring of it now: Some of us work our lily white asses off and others just cruise along doing the minimum letting others pick up their slack. I'm tired of this now so am making a stand by doing the minimum and watching as everyone around us flounders due to my reduced effort
V Festival,
It, as always, was great.
We go with a great group of people and just drink and chill for the weekend and watch some top bands. This year I dressed as a cheerleader on the Saturday and the colour green on Sunday. Muchos fun. I'm always sad that it has to endthough after spending about three hours helping to push random strangers cars out of the mud I'm glad we finally got home!
Copenhagen was cool. The weather was shocking but the city itself is fairly nice. A little small but the Tivolis quite cool and the Zoo was ACE! I got to stroke a Cow!! In fact two different cows! And they moo'd and everything!
So Here's Five random facts about Hobo
I have a PhD. Yes I'm Dr Hobo. Now grovel before me mere mortals...I'm actually still embarrassed when my Boss refers to me as "Dr Hobo"...
I have a strange fascination with Cows. It started when I was chased by a herd when I was about twelve. They're big feckers and having a whole field full charge head long toward you made me shit m'self and develop a phobia. However, in a "get a grip of yourself young man" sort of self help moment, after I wandered into a herd of life size fibreglass cows decorated in random ways in Stockholm I decided that I really should try and overcome my fear and ever since I've fallen in love with the bovine beasties... We've got a herd outside our office too (Real ones) whom I've named and photo everyday
I believe Sarcasm is the finest form of wit. It's only classed as the lowest form of wit by people not quick enough or clever enough to use it at its cutting best...
I love coffee. It needs to be freshly ground every morning. The sound of the coffee grinder shakes me out of my sleepy stupor...
I recently ran the furthest I've ever run in my life. A mere 7 miles. Not enough to get a medal for a marathon, but enough to outrun a lion. I think...well...I'd have to agree the rules before the race as otherwise it'd probably be over fairly soon. I mean "Three steps, pounce, munch" would probably be the lions chosen strategy, where as I'd be more akin to "stick S.O.T.D on the mp3 player and plod along for an hour"...I must add that I have to stop and walk for a while around the 4.5 mile mark...
They're actually 5 fairly dull facts, but I can't think of any interesting facts to broadcast to the SG world. I guess if there's anything else you'd like to know drop me a line and I'll be only to willing to inform you of the answer...
Catch ya later and lots of Skybluemetropolis luv to y'alls lily white rumps!
So well today I feel as thought I'm dyingI'm not sure if it's
a) Yesterdays Guiness binge [Note: 'yesterdays' Guinness binge was actually about six weeks ago, so I'm mostly over this now...]
b) My new renewed fitness regime
c) The flu [Note: The Flu has been and passed...so I'm mostly over this now...]
d) All of the above
Still shouldn't moan
So whats hobo been up to in the last few weeks.
A) Work as per usual
B) V festival.
C) Copenhagen
So work is hectic and getting more hectic and I'm tiring of it now: Some of us work our lily white asses off and others just cruise along doing the minimum letting others pick up their slack. I'm tired of this now so am making a stand by doing the minimum and watching as everyone around us flounders due to my reduced effort
V Festival,
It, as always, was great.
We go with a great group of people and just drink and chill for the weekend and watch some top bands. This year I dressed as a cheerleader on the Saturday and the colour green on Sunday. Muchos fun. I'm always sad that it has to endthough after spending about three hours helping to push random strangers cars out of the mud I'm glad we finally got home!
Copenhagen was cool. The weather was shocking but the city itself is fairly nice. A little small but the Tivolis quite cool and the Zoo was ACE! I got to stroke a Cow!! In fact two different cows! And they moo'd and everything!
So Here's Five random facts about Hobo
I have a PhD. Yes I'm Dr Hobo. Now grovel before me mere mortals...I'm actually still embarrassed when my Boss refers to me as "Dr Hobo"...
I have a strange fascination with Cows. It started when I was chased by a herd when I was about twelve. They're big feckers and having a whole field full charge head long toward you made me shit m'self and develop a phobia. However, in a "get a grip of yourself young man" sort of self help moment, after I wandered into a herd of life size fibreglass cows decorated in random ways in Stockholm I decided that I really should try and overcome my fear and ever since I've fallen in love with the bovine beasties... We've got a herd outside our office too (Real ones) whom I've named and photo everyday
I believe Sarcasm is the finest form of wit. It's only classed as the lowest form of wit by people not quick enough or clever enough to use it at its cutting best...
I love coffee. It needs to be freshly ground every morning. The sound of the coffee grinder shakes me out of my sleepy stupor...
I recently ran the furthest I've ever run in my life. A mere 7 miles. Not enough to get a medal for a marathon, but enough to outrun a lion. I think...well...I'd have to agree the rules before the race as otherwise it'd probably be over fairly soon. I mean "Three steps, pounce, munch" would probably be the lions chosen strategy, where as I'd be more akin to "stick S.O.T.D on the mp3 player and plod along for an hour"...I must add that I have to stop and walk for a while around the 4.5 mile mark...
They're actually 5 fairly dull facts, but I can't think of any interesting facts to broadcast to the SG world. I guess if there's anything else you'd like to know drop me a line and I'll be only to willing to inform you of the answer...
Catch ya later and lots of Skybluemetropolis luv to y'alls lily white rumps!
Sounds perfect to me.