So lately I've learned there is a huge chance I could have Meniere's Disease. And no I didn't google my symptoms, but I did learn my Grandma has it and well she's the one who ways helps me with my vertigo, which is a big part of Meniere's.
I know that I still have to get checked for the disease, but I've just been in bed because of vertigo for over 24 hours in what I like to call my cave of darkness. And I can't say I haven't done any research on the ever present dangers of the "Invisible Disease". I have learned a couple of things like there is no cure and it only gets worse.
I'm scared guys.
I didn't come here with this news to get sympathy or "poor me" bulletin. I came here with this news because I have never seen a community so loving before and with being as terrified as I am, it is nice to know that there are people who aren't mean or crude. Who when we say nice things we mean it.
So I'm looking into a primary care doctor now, cause I don't have one,and hopefully by tomorrow I can start making appointments.
It put life in a new prospective, I will be at more shows seeing the bands I love for as long as I can. Seeing as one day I might not here them anymore.
So if anyone will be at Warped this weekend, give me a shout :)
Sorry for my dad rant. I love you all.