So girls, my boobs hurt. Like almost as painful as early pregnancy boobs
They're swollen badly and I'm having to wear my pregnancy bras all the time now, even in bed, just so I can move about in bed without it hurting like shit!
) Oh, and I'm 100% NOT PREGNANT.
This happened before when me and Stinky were TTC but not since then. I guess now my body has gone back to normal and is over-ready to conceive, my boobs are really painful again.
I've been to the doctor before about this and he gave me a leaflet about non-cyclical mastalgia - basically breast pain all through the month. He also advised me to take Evening Primrose Oil which I already do - 1000mg a day!
I think it's probably the fact that I'm 35 years old and have not yet had a baby so my hormones are all over the place (they say female dogs go mad if they don't have at least one lot of puppies!) - is there any hope for me to lead a normal life without the problems in the boobage area or am I screwed until the menopause?
I know I'm kinda making light of the situation a little bit but please believe me when I say it fucking hurts. I'm going on the train tomorrow to London for a job for the day and the thought of fighting through the crowds on the Tube fills me with dread - if anyone even nudges my boobs, I'll fucking cry!).
Any advice would be much appreciated. Ta xx
Wow, I guess they are from the same pod. At least we're didn't turn out like them.