wow.... today(monday), my job was closed for the day, so the hotels ran all their clothes to us on saturday.... holy shit.... it was the busiest satuday i've seen.... and it beeing sat, we were understaffed..... i went to wark a 6:30 am... as usual for a sat.... but instead of getting off somewere around 2:00 pm..... i didn't clock out until 8:30 pm.... damn.......
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i always have weekends! i have done enough of the working on weekends thing. now i say no more!!!
holly shit.... its been a while..... i have been working way too hard..... oh well.... so what new right..... still gotta make money right..... but on a good note i get payed every monday.... meaning less taxes taken out..... now i might be able to have money left over to finish my tat.... well start it is more like it......
i cant wait for sushi!! im gonna totally pig out!!!! oink
yummers!!! i'll take it all!!!
im such a pig!
Hello all, its been a while but its for good reasons.... My job is going ok... unfortunatly i am on my feet the whole time.... its good for me i've been lazy for too long.... hell i've even had to walk from home to work cause i don't have bus fair or a car..... i need to save up to get a car, but for...
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SWEET FUCKING GEEBUZZ!!!!!! I got a job finally..... yesterday i thought i was going to an interview.... as i got there i gave the lady my paperwork she really didn't look at it, just gave me some sheet to fill out..... hten said let me show you around...... DAMN i was working.... its not much but i'm a driver for a dry cleaners..... five star...
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im happy for you that you got a job!! congrats!
i know t can be frusterating! biggrin
Ive only done about 6 and that was my first mammal apart from a mouse! I was just working on birds before. Mammalls are much harder. Thanks for the birthday wishes! Well done about the job thats great! skull
ok... that didnt work.... grrrr
nevermind..... does anyone know how i might be able to add a video to my journal....??? if not thats cool.... just trying out something..... here is the site of the videos... if it will help... it has the code next to it.....

the source
ok... That didn't work..... grrrr.....
trying to put a music video on my journal..... sucks.... oh well.... [IMG]<!-- <a name="T"></a>Tenacious D - Fuck Her Gently --><div id=vpdiv><a href="http://www.myspace.com/TheSourceVids"><embed name="RAOCXplayer" src="http://www.tenaciousd.com/video/fhg/FuckHerGentlyfullvideo.wmv" type="application/x-mplayer2" width="300" height="300" ShowControls="0" ShowStatusBar="0" loop="true" EnableContextMenu="0" DisplaySize="0" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/Downloads/Contents/Products/MediaPlayer/"></embed></div>Video provided by The Source</a>[/IMG]
this goes out to all the ladies..... he he he

<!-- <a name="T"></a>Tenacious D - Fuck Her Gently --><div id=vpdiv><a href="http://www.myspace.com/TheSourceVids"><embed name="RAOCXplayer" src="http://www.tenaciousd.com/video/fhg/FuckHerGentlyfullvideo.wmv" type="application/x-mplayer2" width="300" height="300" ShowControls="0" ShowStatusBar="0" loop="true" EnableContextMenu="0" DisplaySize="0" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/Downloads/Contents/Products/MediaPlayer/"></embed></div></a>
GOD i am a dork..... gotta change that pic..... -anyways- so in my search of looking for a job i have been unsuccessful, but i have a few leads..... a drycleaners has called me back telling me that one of the other shops has a drivers position opening up..... SWEET!!! and i put in a resume at the Rose Thistle, a pub like restaurant just...
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i was at the one on 92nd and powell. and i have never seen mortal kombat there....but who knows.
September the 11th, 2001!!

*waves hands in front of gary busey's face*

lol, thanks... i liked them too.
hey all.... sorry about the ventting the other day, the lonelyness is getting to me.... oops... oh well i can deal.... he he he.......... anyways... i'm cool... not much has been going on, the job search is still at hand but not close to getting one... grrr!!! i'll find something someday, i hope before i get through school..... ok.... well i'm off....
What kind of job are you looking for right now? (If you don't mind me asking)
Venting is a good thing! Job searching is hard, but don't worry it will come before you know it! kiss