Tragiclly, in order to live you must die a little in side.....
if you want to stay working you must follow the rules....
i have found this out, i have slowly seen myself changing,
not mentally, but in apperance.... at work, i need to dress
a tad differant then i would like to.... no makeup is a given,
but i also like wearing wide leg pants..... or even the
occational Kilt, well i am scottish..... but for some reason
i have seen people really having a problem taking me
seirously as a professinal, not that i care what they think,
other then thinking of job security.... i can still wear black....
not a big deal, and even when i wear my wild eye contacts
people didn't care which suprizesd the shit out of me....
the other day i wore my kilt and my contacts, most people
had mor a problem with the kilt..... i know its not an
everyday thing but some rich dick had to make a comment
like he knew what he was talking about..... but having friends
"that do that thing" doesn't make you an expert.... then some
security chick at OHSU had to say something to, then said she
spent to much time in scottland like that makes her right to
comment...... why oh why is the world so quick to judge...
most people accully think the rest of the world cares about
their opinion.... there is this guy at work, while i'm on the
topic of other peoples opinions, he got in an argument about
prostitution with me.... he started talking about strip clubs and
stuff which is cool, i like strip clubs just as much as the next
guy, but then he started talking about prostitution and how its
the best thing in the world.... he is married and has three
kids at 26 years old.... he was telling telling me that on
occation he has a girl he calls, wihich isn't prostitution its an
esscort service, but she come over to do what ever and he
pays her.... i know i know i might be going back on my
people don't care about others opinions, but come on....
he is married and not just that but if he cant even find some
random chic at a bar or something that would do the same
for free then he really has a problem, why would you pay
someone for instant, yet temperary gradifacation when you
have some one who suposively loves you that can help you
out with that..... i don't get it and i think its worng.....
ok ok ok.... enough bitch'n......
am i wrong in feeling that way??? i donno.....
if you want to stay working you must follow the rules....
i have found this out, i have slowly seen myself changing,
not mentally, but in apperance.... at work, i need to dress
a tad differant then i would like to.... no makeup is a given,
but i also like wearing wide leg pants..... or even the
occational Kilt, well i am scottish..... but for some reason
i have seen people really having a problem taking me
seirously as a professinal, not that i care what they think,
other then thinking of job security.... i can still wear black....
not a big deal, and even when i wear my wild eye contacts
people didn't care which suprizesd the shit out of me....
the other day i wore my kilt and my contacts, most people
had mor a problem with the kilt..... i know its not an
everyday thing but some rich dick had to make a comment
like he knew what he was talking about..... but having friends
"that do that thing" doesn't make you an expert.... then some
security chick at OHSU had to say something to, then said she
spent to much time in scottland like that makes her right to
comment...... why oh why is the world so quick to judge...
most people accully think the rest of the world cares about
their opinion.... there is this guy at work, while i'm on the
topic of other peoples opinions, he got in an argument about
prostitution with me.... he started talking about strip clubs and
stuff which is cool, i like strip clubs just as much as the next
guy, but then he started talking about prostitution and how its
the best thing in the world.... he is married and has three
kids at 26 years old.... he was telling telling me that on
occation he has a girl he calls, wihich isn't prostitution its an
esscort service, but she come over to do what ever and he
pays her.... i know i know i might be going back on my
people don't care about others opinions, but come on....
he is married and not just that but if he cant even find some
random chic at a bar or something that would do the same
for free then he really has a problem, why would you pay
someone for instant, yet temperary gradifacation when you
have some one who suposively loves you that can help you
out with that..... i don't get it and i think its worng.....
ok ok ok.... enough bitch'n......
am i wrong in feeling that way??? i donno.....
but i'm fine.