Sorry I have been such a bad SG friend. I still don't have a computer at home, so it's a tad bit difficult to get on here sometimes. Let's see what's new with me.....
I bought a couch from the thrift store, it is a beautiful plum color!!! Thanks to the help of Ramby and Corneilus. Corneilus made sure it was a sturdy couch, it passed his inspection, and Ramby's and I sniff test so I new it was a keeper.
School, work, and my volunteer job are keeping me busy.
I've been able to hangout with a bunch of good friends lately, which makes me oh so happy!
Stupid man trouble has arisen leaving me wanting to crawl into a hole for a week or two.
Maybe I'll come and peek my head up soon...

Maybe I'll come and peek my head up soon...
Yes Stevedave in 08' Dan can be vice president since really the pres is just a figure head and Stevedave frequently naps....wait so does dan

yo my bday this week so come out and have a drink