The day has come folks....I'm moving out on my own. Not a big deal you say for a 23 year old, well it is indeed. Seeing as how I have never lived by myself. I have always had a roomate. The best roomate in the world I might add, my Mom!
I thought it was about time I sprouted my lil wings and flew the nest. I'm so excited, but a bit nervous. Mainly due to the constant advice I get from my family to carry mace with me at all times.
I can't wait to have a place to call my own. To decorate it how I want to, come and go when I please, to walk around naked, what have you.
And so the adventure begins
I thought it was about time I sprouted my lil wings and flew the nest. I'm so excited, but a bit nervous. Mainly due to the constant advice I get from my family to carry mace with me at all times.
I can't wait to have a place to call my own. To decorate it how I want to, come and go when I please, to walk around naked, what have you.
And so the adventure begins

don't worry though. me and toast are tight again. like nothing ever happened.