Not only does my fucking Wii now not fucking work, I've somehow lost my fucking wedding ring! It was in my jogging bottoms pocket along with another ring (Both I only ever take off when my hands get wet) and they feel out as I went to get up off my bed to check on my dinner. I... Read More
I lost my ring a few months back. I hadn't closed the drawer that it lives in at night all the way. One of my cats got it and spent the night playing with it. I found it days later in a corner under a box.
Saturday night in with the two bestest and most stunning girls in my life..... They are watching X-Factor and I'm listening to music through Spotify and pissing about on the net.
An absolute loved one was having a crap time recently and we jumped in with both legs to help out, they are fine now and majorly got their life in gear which is so... Read More
I hate how even though I've been trying really hard to be happy and keep myself from being just and angry and upset, I have those down days where I just say fuck off and fuck this and fuck that to everything. I've spent too much time like that I don't want to be that person any more. I think I've done pretty well considering... Read More
It's doing me no good being on here, I can't keep chasing a fucking dream that isn't going to happen. I'm dragging every one around me down with my "hope" that things will one day be sorted.