I don't really know what I'm gonna be saying here, just gonna kinda word / photo / video vomit this one haha.
I've put out a few videos on my YouTube Channel now, generally about life and coping with Cognative Processing Problems and strong Aspergers traits.
For some reason I wanna add some pics of my favourite people, for whatever reason
An absolutely disgusting and violent display of Metallic Hardcore. Looks like utter chaos
And some photos of some favourite people
Rik Mayall. Just simply because he never fails to make me laugh. I have never heard of a bad story involving anyone who has ever met him. I would be the most star struck idiot if I ever got to meet him.
There will never be anyone who is a better singer, songwriter, performer, frontman than Freddie Mercury. As far as I am concerned, if you don't agree, you are wrong.
Toby Morse. New York's finest (who now live in LA??) has fronted H20 since 94 odd and never changed his approcah to life. A life long Straight Edge, Vegetarian posi warrior.
Gemma Arterton. She is just awesome, she hasn't always made the best films but I just love her anyways. Gorgeous, funny and got a killer figure. She was awesome as Saoirse Ronan's mum in Byzantium.
Chloe Grace Moretz. An amazing actress who is still so young but made so many different films and refuses to be typecast. Dark Shadows, Kick Ass, Let Me In, Hugo, Carrie, all different, all awesome. Loving this track right now
Gorgeous video and song
Iggy Azalea is killing me right now with her stunning looks and evil talent on the mic. She is stunning but for some reason there is something about her that doesn't make me go weak at the knees. Girl has the biggest backside ever though haha
This starts tomorrow night, excited is NOT THE FUCKING WORD! ARGH!
Anyone been watching any of the recently started shows? Criminal Minds? The Big Bang Theory? Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D? Bones?