well yesterday we went to take some pictures of nevie for some fetish party VIP shit at our friend marks house, only thing is he hasnt had electric since last friday because of bitch ass hurricane frances, so around 5 we saw the FPL guy drive buy and chased him down in nevies car, gave him the address and magically by 9 mark had electric. The haven't cleaned since the power went out so when the lights came on it was like "HOLY SHIT! NASTY!" so he and nevie and i cleaned the whole thing, VIP CLEANING PARTY WUT WUT! ...yeah
well after cleaning marks house he was gonna go out with some chick maradith so nevie and i went to dicky's house, oh yes he's such a winner... blah... anyways we went there and watched blade and played with his roomates goofy ass dog that thinks it is a giant cat.
after chris's house we went to poor house down town to see jesus and michael were i relized i had floss in my pocket which led to an indepth conversation about floss with michael as opossed to the one we had last time about chicken, we are so deep.
but that was the night and now ivan should be here by monday but hopefully it wont be that bad maybe it will slow down....it will probably wipe out all of south florida, this is gods slow plan to destroy us. w00t w00t.
well after cleaning marks house he was gonna go out with some chick maradith so nevie and i went to dicky's house, oh yes he's such a winner... blah... anyways we went there and watched blade and played with his roomates goofy ass dog that thinks it is a giant cat.
after chris's house we went to poor house down town to see jesus and michael were i relized i had floss in my pocket which led to an indepth conversation about floss with michael as opossed to the one we had last time about chicken, we are so deep.
but that was the night and now ivan should be here by monday but hopefully it wont be that bad maybe it will slow down....it will probably wipe out all of south florida, this is gods slow plan to destroy us. w00t w00t.

Ivan is predicted to hit the west coast and panhandle so that's way far away from both of us. Yea! we aren't going to die haha.