blah i am so bored. i went down town for a lil while today just to walk around, tried looking for manatees in the water but as usual there were non. watched a train go over this bridge that i always thought was broken and stuck in an upright position, but aparently not.
urrr... not much has been going on lately. OH YEAH theres this kid franco, who i met last year and like fell in love with him the day i met him but then melanie suduced him before i could even let him know i liked him and then he went out with his crazy x girlfriend who made him cut his dreads and take out most his piercings and grow back his eyebrows, so now he looks like a freak (odd how that worked out) but he still has the most beautiful personality in a human being and relized that chick was a controll freak and also caught her smoking crack, yes crack so he broke up with her and i want to call him but i havent talked to him in like 6 months and i dont know if the number i have is even his, also he keeps calling nevie who looks like a tall guy umpaloompa, but he doesnt want her cause he told that to lil lauren (god this is so unnessisarily comlicated to write) but yeah i wanna call him but i dunno if he remembers me cause i'm the only one of the girls he used to talk to that he doesnt call, i just think he doesnt have my number cause he has no reason to hate. i just feel silly asking melanie for his number cause she gets all territorial and nevie thinks he wants her and wont give it out and lil lauren never saves it. blah
urrr... not much has been going on lately. OH YEAH theres this kid franco, who i met last year and like fell in love with him the day i met him but then melanie suduced him before i could even let him know i liked him and then he went out with his crazy x girlfriend who made him cut his dreads and take out most his piercings and grow back his eyebrows, so now he looks like a freak (odd how that worked out) but he still has the most beautiful personality in a human being and relized that chick was a controll freak and also caught her smoking crack, yes crack so he broke up with her and i want to call him but i havent talked to him in like 6 months and i dont know if the number i have is even his, also he keeps calling nevie who looks like a tall guy umpaloompa, but he doesnt want her cause he told that to lil lauren (god this is so unnessisarily comlicated to write) but yeah i wanna call him but i dunno if he remembers me cause i'm the only one of the girls he used to talk to that he doesnt call, i just think he doesnt have my number cause he has no reason to hate. i just feel silly asking melanie for his number cause she gets all territorial and nevie thinks he wants her and wont give it out and lil lauren never saves it. blah

He He Sounds like a soap opera. Just ask for his number anyways. You got nothing to lose.