I saw the new harry potter today-night-day-night thing. It was pretty good. Harry potters getting kinda hot lol ^_^ It was different than the other 2, theres a new director, and considering that and the fact that they're older in this one, its alot darker. Anyways, yeah and now i am home and tired from being sick and doing crap all day. blah, yeah... I have a shit load of blck liquid eyeliner IN my eye and my contact is all haizy and every thing looks a greyish blue out of my right eye. so typing or even looking at the computer is kinda wierd. But anyways my trip to texas is set for the first week in august, 2nd week in july i go to NY for three days, typical family gathering, same as last year and the previous so odd years. Oi I needs ta sleep. PEACE!

I thought you said that you didn't like the site before.