hey didily hey hey hoe. Yesterday was a complete waste of a day, i sat at my house and watched hbo till like 5 when i walked to joeys house and saw my friend shawn who moved back down from washington yay! and ended up watching them play video games till about 9:30 when we drove around and looked at cars for like half an hour, therfore at like 10 joey droped me off at heathers so i wouldnt be bored at his house cause shawn was going home and i ended up going with heather and her lova lova kyle to some LAME ASS party, filled with like 30 year old spanish people dancing to salsa, not that theres anything wrong with spanish people considering their culture is extremely close to mine (ITALIAN-SICILIAN) but it was just diferent then the partys i usually go to, there where like 5 cool people there, and 2 of the cool people couldnt speak english but they smoked me and heather out ^_^ the only reason why we went is because it was at this guys house that kyle worked with but we never went to any of his partys before. now i am in deep regret of not going to magical maydaze, but theres always next year.

HaHaHa Maude's is way up north here in Gainesville, sorry sweetie.
P.S. Just 3 min ago i left a comment but you put up a new journal entry right when i did. That's never happend to me before ha ha.