*yawn* so tired... anyways i've been in a tori amos mood for the last few days to help vent my emotions over tylers paranoia aggitation and depression. He might as well just be Trent Reznor. Anyways, I got into a big fight with my history teacher over Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, over a god damn "viva la revolution" sticker. I hate how when people think of communism they think of dictators and no freedom and poverty and fucking hell. No that is not communism. To me communism is an idea, one much like anarchy, i honestly dont think human beings are intelegent enough or quite evolved yet for either of these things to work yet, but the idea of communism is the last step to marxism, and if you think i should be shot because i am am a marxist well fuck you, we are all entitled to our own beliefs, and even if the world consisted of communism it would not take away our induvisuality and private beliefs. grr, here:the philosophical and sociological approach of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and their followers. History is seen as basically a series of class struggles, with classes being defined in terms of their relation to the means of production. He viewed the struggle of workers as a continuation of historical forces that would one day lead to communism. This would occur in three stages. The first stage was capitalism, in which the proletariat (workers) are exploited by capitalists (business owners). The second stage would be socialism, or a "dictatorship of the proletariat." Marx envisioned that this stage would be brief. In the final stage -- communism -- society would become so classless and collectivist that the formal state would wither away, and society could spontaneously operate as a collective whole without government.
every one would work together, no leader no war no poor people or rich people just people, yes different people but we would work together with our people, but there would be no classes on the thought of who deserved or got more or less than another. People couldnt live in a society like that yet, thats why in every communist country now theres problems, or a dictator or all that bad shit. Just like if we actually had the modern conception of anarchy. People would be running rampant in the streets. Unfourtionatly for now we need to be controlled and need laws but one day communism could work as a good thing, i told this to my teacher and he called me a Fascist Nazi. My point exactly: ignorance.
every one would work together, no leader no war no poor people or rich people just people, yes different people but we would work together with our people, but there would be no classes on the thought of who deserved or got more or less than another. People couldnt live in a society like that yet, thats why in every communist country now theres problems, or a dictator or all that bad shit. Just like if we actually had the modern conception of anarchy. People would be running rampant in the streets. Unfourtionatly for now we need to be controlled and need laws but one day communism could work as a good thing, i told this to my teacher and he called me a Fascist Nazi. My point exactly: ignorance.

Yeah Communism in theory works well, but in a real world application, it would always fail.