friday night i remembered how much i loved eating rolls, saturday morning i remembered why i decided to make it a once in a year thing. I felt like shit all day fought with the boyfriend and then he dragged me to some stupid party with all these insanely preppy people and then he complained some more and then i just went home cause i couldnt take it anymore. ALSO my car has an oil leek so yesterday the tow truck came and took it to the shop and i wont have it for a week because it is dumb. DUMB. yesterDAY early, i hung out with jimmy jimmy jim jim jim, and pretty much did what we usually do, drove around making up crazy get rich quick schemes that are to extreme or insane to ever actually put into action. Jesse knows what i'm talking about, like ant battles and stuff. lol nevermind. Well today i am going thrift shopping with brittney alex and james and i am going to see lil laurens baby. I hope it doesnt have extra body parts or else i would be sad.

Preppy parties. Let me tell ya, they are tons of fun.
Yeah cars are nothing but trouble. It's nice to get to where ever you want, when you want to, but cars can be such a pain the ass.