Well today was my lil friend linda's birthday so we had a crazy ass fucking party, which led to me seeing alot of my old friends who i so intoxicatedly made numurous plans with to hang out with again like old times ^_^ I know i'll go through with it, its up to them to push back now. i when people say "yeah we'll hang out" and then never call you. DUMB
anyways i'm kind of rolling so i am gonna listen to lemon jelly and come down so i can go to sleep.
extacy face:
anyways i'm kind of rolling so i am gonna listen to lemon jelly and come down so i can go to sleep.
extacy face:

How ironic that I left a drunken journal entry last nite. Non-sober journal entries are great!
On a related note I haven't had sex in a year and a half.
Pretty fucked up, huh Opium?
You seen my sis anytime lately? She called me on the phone and was obviously blown out of her head. She thought I was an answering machine and then hung up after 5 minutes of me trying to get her attention. What a silly goose.