ok well things didnt go quite as planned, i found out around five today that the suicide girls thing was at the factory TONIGHT and i wasnt gonna be able to go so i was sad, then i was kinda upset cause i wasnt going to that OR prom, but proms not even that big a deal, we ended up me liz ted and tyler driving all the way out to downtown HOLLYWOOD and eating at "sushi jazz" or "jazz suchi" doesnt matter, it was still the most expensive sushi i ever ate, but amazingly it was well worth the money. After that we went to barrys who was all tired from traveling to NY the Keys etc and he just got back from visiting his dying grandfather at the hospital and i'm not used to a glum barry so i was kinda sad then too, so then liz and ted drop tyler and i off @ his house where we relize we're locked out of his house and theres nothing to do till 12 when ashley and gene morrison or whoever the hell she is get out of prom. And then the neighbors dogs got out 6 times and we had to chase them around the neighbor hood and keep throwing them back in the house and we have no idea how they were getting out cause we closed all the doors and we didnt know why their front door was unlocked either. so finally the neighbors get home and give us coffee and tylers brother came around and let us in the house, where we read comics yay ^_^ happy moment. Then ashley calls and tyler and i relize that its prom night and the beach we go to is private property and they wanted to bring like 15 heads who probably have pot and alchohal, tonight is prom, theres gonna be mad fucking cops out and i am not getting arrested. But if ashley stays out of jail were suposed to chill with her tommarow. wee. urr...yesh...anyways so i was stuck @ tylers till jimmy and jen came and got me where we were talking about suicide girls and how maybe sometime this summer jimmy will photograph her and I seperatly so we can send in pictures and attempt to get on the site. if tyler doesnt break up with me lol. ..wait thats not funny heh..heh heh. But jimmy is a really good photographer he did a photoset for our friend kendall when she was trying to become a model for some fashion thing. It would be awsome if we actually got to go through with this. well anyways. i'm rambling now. BUH BYE

Hospital visits are never fun.
Good luck with the SG application.