Anyways my damn tattoo picture wouldn't upload so now picture for youse.
however today was an eventful day; 1st i ended up with ted and tyler and we brought liz a drink at her work from starbucks and ended up going to some surf shop and i bought shoes, we werent in there for more than 4 minutes and ted couldnt get over how fast i shop "you are the fastest female shopper i ever met, you shop like us." yes, because deep inside, i am a man. a fat grizzly man with a beard, and inside of this man, i am a lesbian. but on the outside, i am just me.
however today was an eventful day; 1st i ended up with ted and tyler and we brought liz a drink at her work from starbucks and ended up going to some surf shop and i bought shoes, we werent in there for more than 4 minutes and ted couldnt get over how fast i shop "you are the fastest female shopper i ever met, you shop like us." yes, because deep inside, i am a man. a fat grizzly man with a beard, and inside of this man, i am a lesbian. but on the outside, i am just me.

My dreads are quite thin as well, and I'm going to try to mate a few together soon, as they're stupid thin little strands...