ended up doing nothing last night, sat at liz and teds and watched IT one and two, i never realized how incredible shitty the acting was and how incredibly cheesy the movie itself was. i havent seen it since i was like 13 and then it was kinda creepy, now its just like "oh yeah i remember this it used to be scary now its just funny." but pennywise is still the most bad ass clown in the world... i was arguing with the mother about moving out moments ago, suposedly i'm not responsible enough. blah i'm gonna do it anyways, she'll get over it. regardless, by the end of this month tyler is getting 200 bucks for passing his GED from his step mom which he is so generously putting towards my tattoo fun so by the end of june i will have a decorated spine! woo hoo! you can look @ the drawing of it in my pics. hmm ok thats enough rambling.
