Yesterday consisted of driving around for hours with timmy frank and jessica finding places to smoke, by the time tyler and I were dropped of at liz and teds they were going to teds mother so i was stuck at tylers house till like 10 whiched pissed off my mother considering she had to get up at 5 to go to court in miami for my brother (he broke into a school) it was rather aggrivating. anyways.. i've decided that by my birthday my hair will be long enough to start dreading, and tyler is gonna pay for my tattoo, so this summer comes the all new renovated me, i'm still trying to decide where to apply for a job at. either the cd store down the block or this book store i found but the book store is really far and i dont have a car for another month. hmmph. g'damnit.

I am your friend twice!!!! Double plus excellent!
oh and dont get a job in a sweat shop... trust me. it sucks