Well, Its been along 2 weeks, last weekend i was stuck in a damn walgreens parking lot for like 2 hours till my friend Liz came and took me to her boyfriend teds house where we ended up watching the christian channel all night blasting Nile, we were so high, therefore it was rather entertaining. Friday night, or uh, last night, i went to jimmys for a party, i havent done that in so damn long it was fun we had a fire so big it looked like day time at one in the morning, we where gonna sacrafice to this kid will to the fire cause he is a virgen, but yeah never happend. anyways i havent written in a while but i think all this week my journals gonna be filled with short entries. OH YEAH, i wrote a poem the other night when i was pissed off and i am putting it in here. here it is:
Touch my face is stone
my skin and bones
a tear drop a rain drop
drop me on my back
silk skys milk in the rainbow
river cries motions that move slow
take from me
give to me
make me bleed
the secret
a secret
the questions
the statements
the drugs that make you small
drowning in a fire
watch my life expire
its taking from us all
pull me from the storm
slowly as my skin drips off these bones of mine
you see me suffering, and assume Im fine
Im fine
Im fine
Im fine...
Touch my face is stone
my skin and bones
a tear drop a rain drop
drop me on my back
silk skys milk in the rainbow
river cries motions that move slow
take from me
give to me
make me bleed
the secret
a secret
the questions
the statements
the drugs that make you small
drowning in a fire
watch my life expire
its taking from us all
pull me from the storm
slowly as my skin drips off these bones of mine
you see me suffering, and assume Im fine
Im fine
Im fine
Im fine...