The DEA made an enormous bust today in Colorado. They raided a 500 acre ranch near Colorado Springs (the town that provided the inspiration for A Fast Food Nation) and came up on $11 million in cash and 5,000 fucking pounds of cocaine. how do i keep missing out on these job opportunites...lottery jackpots...multi-million dollar coke smuggling rings...
but for real, the job hunt is not going well. yesterday, I called every restaurant in the phone book (that is, every one in downtown boulder) and not a single one proved fruitful. there has, however, been a continuous stream of great baseball games to watch as well as an influx of new love interests so I'm staying happy.
this morning, like most in my world, sucked. I awoke abruptly to knocking at my front door, though I'm fairly certain the knocker knocked for a good bit before I so much as twitched. The knocker, it turns out, was a Mr. Rosenblatt from the insurance company dropping off my health ins. policy. He tried to explain my coverage, as is his responsibility and reason for coming to MY house, but in many words said in essence: "these are your insurance cards" and "this piece of paper has writing on it". ugh. he did have to choke on my morning breath though.
but for real, the job hunt is not going well. yesterday, I called every restaurant in the phone book (that is, every one in downtown boulder) and not a single one proved fruitful. there has, however, been a continuous stream of great baseball games to watch as well as an influx of new love interests so I'm staying happy.
this morning, like most in my world, sucked. I awoke abruptly to knocking at my front door, though I'm fairly certain the knocker knocked for a good bit before I so much as twitched. The knocker, it turns out, was a Mr. Rosenblatt from the insurance company dropping off my health ins. policy. He tried to explain my coverage, as is his responsibility and reason for coming to MY house, but in many words said in essence: "these are your insurance cards" and "this piece of paper has writing on it". ugh. he did have to choke on my morning breath though.

Whooty woo. Whatcha gonna do?

no, YOU are awesome and I love you.