today at work was absolutely brutal. muscles quivering and eyes twitching from a late night of partying, I roll in at 7:45. nearly 4 hours later, i awoke from my coma just in time to go heads up with some crotchety old witch. the interaction went like this:
presently, no one is in my line except for the two customers I was already ringing, so I put a closed sign up after their groceries so I could use the restroom. crotchety maggot woman (cmw) walks up and says
(under her breath) "how can he do this to me" I look up
cmw: "that sign says closed, but I'm here now, so how on earth are you going to do that to me?"
me: "I'm gonna go use the restroom, thats how."
cmw: ::scoffs disgutedly and fervently::"and your gonna make me wait in line for 20 minutes somewhere else???"
me: "I'm not trying to be vindictive, your welcome to wait here until I come back"
cmw:"you know what", she says menacingly, "this is the kind of shopping that makes people go nuts"
me: "your right, I forgot that your time is far more important then mine, please let me ring you up"
What I shoulda said was, get fucked you raggady old hag...I guess I just didn't have my senses about me. Later, however, it was put into perspective when I saw the most mal-proportioned human being that I've ever witnessed.
presently, no one is in my line except for the two customers I was already ringing, so I put a closed sign up after their groceries so I could use the restroom. crotchety maggot woman (cmw) walks up and says
(under her breath) "how can he do this to me" I look up
cmw: "that sign says closed, but I'm here now, so how on earth are you going to do that to me?"
me: "I'm gonna go use the restroom, thats how."
cmw: ::scoffs disgutedly and fervently::"and your gonna make me wait in line for 20 minutes somewhere else???"
me: "I'm not trying to be vindictive, your welcome to wait here until I come back"
cmw:"you know what", she says menacingly, "this is the kind of shopping that makes people go nuts"
me: "your right, I forgot that your time is far more important then mine, please let me ring you up"
What I shoulda said was, get fucked you raggady old hag...I guess I just didn't have my senses about me. Later, however, it was put into perspective when I saw the most mal-proportioned human being that I've ever witnessed.
Ugh, too bad your day sucked. Tell me more about this mal-proportioned human being. I'm intrigued...