Well Fridays the day... I started to pack this week, but man.. its like my least favorite thing to do.
I'm happy about the whole moving into a new place deal.. but packing sucks. I never know where to start, and when I do, I find all these things I forgot about and then all distracted playing with them. I had to go through a box of old cassette tapes and throw some out, that was kinda rough. But I had to be realistic, they all sound like crap now, and I havent listened to them in probably 2 + years.. I saved a few old mixes for a rainy day but thats it. OH yeah, I donated some CD's to Goodwill.. do you think anyone would buy Shadow Project or Die Warzau? I think I threw a KMFDM in there too. Hehe
I think I'm about half way done.. I do better just throwing it all in bags the day of and worry about it when I get there. I should have more of a plan by now. OH well
I'm going to have to pack up my computer too.. so no SG for me till I get my cable modem up and running again
Hi My sweetie B
I'm happy about the whole moving into a new place deal.. but packing sucks. I never know where to start, and when I do, I find all these things I forgot about and then all distracted playing with them. I had to go through a box of old cassette tapes and throw some out, that was kinda rough. But I had to be realistic, they all sound like crap now, and I havent listened to them in probably 2 + years.. I saved a few old mixes for a rainy day but thats it. OH yeah, I donated some CD's to Goodwill.. do you think anyone would buy Shadow Project or Die Warzau? I think I threw a KMFDM in there too. Hehe

I think I'm about half way done.. I do better just throwing it all in bags the day of and worry about it when I get there. I should have more of a plan by now. OH well

I'm going to have to pack up my computer too.. so no SG for me till I get my cable modem up and running again

Hi My sweetie B

your moving to a new place oh I wish I could!
Baby you are my plan. I hope you just take things as they come and know that everything will be perfect.