Hey everyone!! I don't blog often enough but I'm really trying to change that! I'm usually too stressed out but something amazing happened that relieved so much ...
I bought a house..!!
For years I've worked to own my own things, without having asked for help. Admittedly, I work hard but it seems like it's harder and harder to reach my financial goals. My parents saw this and decided to help! I'm oh so thankful!
I'm so excited to post better content AND more often, because I'll be honest..my previous digs weren't my taste lol
Speaking of..!! My latest SG Hopeful set is now live, Little Dreamer! It was shot by @sunshine and it's my favorite thus far. You can also check out new content recently posted to my site since moving!
Anyway, like I said I'm definitely going to try to blog more often..especially since now i feel like I can relax from my housing hunt LOL