I got my chocolate covered strawberries for Valentine's Day yesterday! Yay! My husband went to Godiva and bought me ten. How the hell am I going to eat that many?
I've been spending the day designing my dream home. I started dreaming about this home 6 years ago, and I just know that we will be building it soon (one of those intuitive feelings, I guess), so I have been working on the blueprints. I have never done blueprints in my life, but for some reason, they are really coming easily. The place is going to be freakin' huge. I didn't think it would be that big, but I want to have a lot of guests and another kid and space for my 2 stepsons, so it ended up being 6 bedrooms, 4 1/2 baths.
Wow. Now I need to get some software, so I can put my blueprints in electronically and get a better idea of what it's going to look like. 

I've been spending the day designing my dream home. I started dreaming about this home 6 years ago, and I just know that we will be building it soon (one of those intuitive feelings, I guess), so I have been working on the blueprints. I have never done blueprints in my life, but for some reason, they are really coming easily. The place is going to be freakin' huge. I didn't think it would be that big, but I want to have a lot of guests and another kid and space for my 2 stepsons, so it ended up being 6 bedrooms, 4 1/2 baths.

I had a fantastic time the last time I was back in RNC. It seems to be a great town with lots of potential.

that sounds like so much fun - designing your dreamhome!