Updates, updates, updates...
Well, my birthday is tomorrow. I turn 26. I was really excited about it, because I had a ton of plans. But I just found out that my dad has shingles and, b/c I'm pregnant, I can't be around him for 3 weeks. So a lot of my plans have fallen through since he was a big part of them. That's alright...I'm really just concerned about him getting well.
I found out the sex of the baby, too...It's a.............................BOY! So now I will be the mother of two boys and the stepmother of two others. I tell ya, my husband is seriously lacking X chromosome sperm.
My subscription will be expiring soon, and I don't plan on renewing it. I love the site, but I came here to make friends. It seems like every time an event is planned, I can't make it for some reason....the babysitter falls through, someone in the family is sick, etc. It's been a rough year, especially for sickness. Since I joined the site last March, I have had strep throat twice, pink eye once, several viral infections, a stomach flu that put me in the hospital, and a miscarriage. My son has had all that plus bronchitis in January. {sigh} At any rate, this whole year has gone by and I haven't met one person on the site in person. I knew relevantswitch already, but he disappeared. So, alas, I shall not spend my money again, and I would like to say farewell to those of you whom had the pleasure of talking to online. Happy SGing!
Well, my birthday is tomorrow. I turn 26. I was really excited about it, because I had a ton of plans. But I just found out that my dad has shingles and, b/c I'm pregnant, I can't be around him for 3 weeks. So a lot of my plans have fallen through since he was a big part of them. That's alright...I'm really just concerned about him getting well.
I found out the sex of the baby, too...It's a.............................BOY! So now I will be the mother of two boys and the stepmother of two others. I tell ya, my husband is seriously lacking X chromosome sperm.

My subscription will be expiring soon, and I don't plan on renewing it. I love the site, but I came here to make friends. It seems like every time an event is planned, I can't make it for some reason....the babysitter falls through, someone in the family is sick, etc. It's been a rough year, especially for sickness. Since I joined the site last March, I have had strep throat twice, pink eye once, several viral infections, a stomach flu that put me in the hospital, and a miscarriage. My son has had all that plus bronchitis in January. {sigh} At any rate, this whole year has gone by and I haven't met one person on the site in person. I knew relevantswitch already, but he disappeared. So, alas, I shall not spend my money again, and I would like to say farewell to those of you whom had the pleasure of talking to online. Happy SGing!

Happy birthday!
I hope you are having a happy birthday today. You would think that with so much going on here in the DC area that meeting up to make new friends would be easy, but the commuter schedule screws with a lot of us. 95 is the bane of my existence. Anyway, it was nice that you were here for the year, and perhaps we will cross paths someday.