Lot's of goodness. Went over to my chiefs house for a bbq last night and he's gonna hook it up. He's gonna try to get ride of my meal deductions for me, which he has more then enough power to do. Which would save me like 300 bucks a month. And he's gonna write a letter of recomendation for me to go Warrent. It's really hard to get accepted to Warrent Officer school but with a letter from a current warrent officer it all but gureentees your slot to go. So there's all that good stuff. And more. But all I can think about it seeing my lady this weekend. It's going to be a long trip but well worth it. I just wish we were going to have more time together. But soon we will maybe. Who knows. The only bad thing going on other than having to wait for this weekend to get here is that my grandpa is probably going to die very shortly. He's lost his mind. Like fully insane. He flushed all his medicine and his let all the oxygen out of his tanks because there's a conspiracy to get him to take drugs. He doesn't belive that he's dying. And then my grandma left him yesterday morning. Yikes. I'm probably going to be folding his flag within a month.

Lady, you crack me up. You gotta calm your nerves. Everything is going to be okay. I promise. That does mega suck that you're having to work so much though. I mean I guess it's kinda cool cause your getting more money but still. This weekend will make up for it. I CAN'T WAIT!!!! I'll give you a sensual maasage. lol. CALM! SERENE! Think of puppy dogs or something cute and cuddly like that. Just hang in there for a couple of more days. Oh, and thanks for what you said about my gramps. It's kinda hard, but his passing will deffinently be for the best. He's miserable and sick and absolutly insane. It will be even better for my grandma. I know that sounds horrible, but it's really not. Okay, I miss you and will see you in a couple of days lady.
Bye! Mike.

Thanks for leaving me a message. I really needed to hear something from you. I miss you and am excited to see you.