So tomarrow is yet another reserve drill weekend. Yay! Sarcasm anyone? It's not so bad I guess. We DO get comp. days for working on the weekends with those guys. And non of them really complain or anything. Shit, now that I'm a sergeant, if I ever hear one of them complain, I'm smoking the shit out of them. We have to work seven days strait when it's a drill weekend. The normal active duty week then the weekend. Crap. But for the most part, they're all fine by me. A lot of them used to be active and then switched over when it was time for them to get out. So as far as I'm concerned there's honor in that. Plus I got today off, so I'm not working seven strait days. A little break. Sweet. And then I only work four days next week because I get to go and see my lady on thrusday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't fucking wait! I know she is going crazier then I am and I don't see how that's fucking possible. It's going to be amazing to get to see her in the flesh(and a little more).
So get through this weekend and then the week and then my lady, here I come. No pun intended. lol. PEACE!

I have the biggest grin on my face.
I am totally going crazier everyday I have to wait for you. i can't wait for you to see my flesh, oh wait, I mean in the flesh. LOL!