Update time! Not much has been going on lately though. I took that stupid test of mine. Now all I have to do is go and register for some classes...I think. I really don't want to go to college. I don't know why. I mean it's free and everything. Education has just never been important to me. I got out of school when I was 16 and got my G.E.D. I didn't believe that there was anything for me to learn in text books that were older then I was. I still don't. Even though the books that they have in college level classes are probably a bit updated. I don't know. I just don't see how a peice of paper can be all that important. I wouldn't retain anything that I learned anyways. I never do. I've always just known enough about any one subject to get along. I've never striven to go above and beyond. No point. The minimum is good enough for me. I'm still gonna do the whole college thing though because I have too. My boss won't leave me alone about it. Damn. More to follow. Miss you lady!

It feels like it has been forever since I last have spoken with you. Hope everything is okay. Miss you!!