I fuckin' hate sprint!!!!!! Can I get an amen?? I'm so beat right now, and all I want to do is talk with my lady and I can't. And the reason I can't? Well maybe you can tell me. I've put two payments on my phone bill in the last 24 hours and the stupid thing is still shut off. What the fuck is going on? We did a confidence course today with the reservists and it was fun and all, but I'm beat. Because I'm going to be a sergeant pretty soon, I hade to do all the absticles better and faster then everyone else. Or at least try. Lots of rope climbing and low crawling and climbing over shit and sliding down 45 degree ropes and on and on and on....And we have to run tomarrow, but it's a fun run. So we can wear civilian clothes. But we have to wear a hat. Our C.O. said that it had to be something funny or weird. So I'm gonna make a Rambo bandana. Retarded, but that's what I'm best at doing. Being retarded. lol. Jennifer, I miss you lady!!!!!! You need to get back from your family reunion and chat with me. I hope everything is going good with you. I guess that's all for today. Good times....

Damn I like your new profile. I like to see my name all over it.

Your v is so sexy I want to follow it with my tongue! I wonder where it will take me