I'm sick as fuck right now. I think it's because I'm quiting smoking though. So it's kinda like...a trial by fire. You know, if I can make through being really sick and going to work and being miserable and not smoke one cigarette the whole time, then my friends I think we have a winner. Saturday it will have been a week since I've smoked a cig. It seems like it's been about ten fuckn' years though. The days are so long now that there is nothing to break the monotony. How much of my days were accually spent smoking? I figure it took me between 10 and 15 mins to smoke one cigerette. And I smoked about at least a pack a day. Some time more. So we'll say a pack and half a day for arguments sake. My math is horrible. Is that 7.5 hours a day? That seems like a lot. Well somewhere around there. Anywho. Last night, almost 5 hours spent talking to the always wonderful and beautiful DeathDoc. She's amazing. I'm seriously floored by this girl. Woman. Angel. It's so easy for me to talk with her. It's been years since I've been this open with anyone. There's just that one thing. The whole being far as hell away from each other. But I remembered last night that the military offers free flights to it's service members, so I could go see her for free. It's just not very reliable since mission oriented equip gets priority. I get what ever space is available. But it's still free to fly anywhere in the world, and you can't beat that. So I'm going to take drugs(all over the counter)and hang out until it's time to talk with my lady again.


Time to update your journal entry babe I have nothing new to comment about. Although I do love all the lovely things you said about me. You rock!