So I had my rant yesterday. It was nice to get that stuff off my chest. I have never really done anything like that before. I mean, it didn't make any of my shit go away, but I met the most amazing chick last night as a result. My pain=new friend.(Maybe more?)It's weird how stuff works sometimes. We talked for sooooo long last night. We even talked on the phone. I HATE TALKING ON THE PHONE!! And then we talked again in this morning. It really sucks that she's so far away. And she hates/never has been on a plane before, so unless I go to MA or she drives 3000 miles we aren't going to be able to see each other any time soon. But who knows? We only just met yesterday so I guess anything could happen. I know crazier shit has before.

I am totally blushing right now.
You are so much fun to talk to. I haven't connected with someone like this in a really long time. You definately put the spring back onto my step.