So before I post this lying sack of shits speech from tonight, I would like for the audience to keep a couple of things in mind.
1. Not once in his speech did he mention the legality of "our" war with Iraq or the invasion of it.
2. Not once did he take responcibility for his actions in jumping to conclusions and rushing to war,...
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Lot's of goodness. Went over to my chiefs house for a bbq last night and he's gonna hook it up. He's gonna try to get ride of my meal deductions for me, which he has more then enough power to do. Which would save me like 300 bucks a month. And he's gonna write a letter of recomendation for me to go Warrent. It's really...
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Lady, you crack me up. You gotta calm your nerves. Everything is going to be okay. I promise. That does mega suck that you're having to work so much though. I mean I guess it's kinda cool cause your getting more money but still. This weekend will make up for it. I CAN'T WAIT!!!! I'll give you a sensual maasage. lol. CALM! SERENE! Think of puppy dogs or something cute and cuddly like that. Just hang in there for a couple of more days. Oh, and thanks for what you said about my gramps. It's kinda hard, but his passing will deffinently be for the best. He's miserable and sick and absolutly insane. It will be even better for my grandma. I know that sounds horrible, but it's really not. Okay, I miss you and will see you in a couple of days lady. smile Bye! Mike. love love love love love love kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
Thanks for leaving me a message. I really needed to hear something from you. I miss you and am excited to see you. love kiss
So tomarrow is yet another reserve drill weekend. Yay! Sarcasm anyone? It's not so bad I guess. We DO get comp. days for working on the weekends with those guys. And non of them really complain or anything. Shit, now that I'm a sergeant, if I ever hear one of them complain, I'm smoking the shit out of them. We have to work seven days...
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I have the biggest grin on my face. biggrin I am totally going crazier everyday I have to wait for you. i can't wait for you to see my flesh, oh wait, I mean in the flesh. LOL! kiss
skull u!!

love love love love love love
Update time! Not much has been going on lately though. I took that stupid test of mine. Now all I have to do is go and register for some classes...I think. I really don't want to go to college. I don't know why. I mean it's free and everything. Education has just never been important to me. I got out of school when I was...
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OMFG!!! love
It feels like it has been forever since I last have spoken with you. Hope everything is okay. Miss you!! kiss
So today was very boring. After Star Wars, what is there? lol. Kidding. But it was a very, very boring day. I just hung out and surfed the internet. I did go out with some friends and got some outback steakhouse. That was awesome and I'm fucking stuffed! When ever I have a boring day though I think of that saying. Only boring people get...
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I thought you said you were going to update
Well sprint has shut service off to my phone for the 4th time this week. I can't afford to pay anymore. By my calculations I've already paid over 250 bucks in the last three weeks on that fuckin' thing. So I called them today and told them to shut it off. I'm done with those worthless fuckers. It's gonna suck a lot to not have...
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Well since you aked me to leave something on Sg I am. I enjoyed talking to you today. it was nice since it was early and i didn't have to go to sleep. I always feel so sad after I speak to you. Maybe its because of the distance. Oh well death comes to everyone skull

I will dream of the v and it will be a good dream.LOL! tongue
hello and goodbye kiss
So I haven't really had much to talk about lately. We played softball today for pt. Good times. We kicked the other teams ass! So it got kinda boring after awhile. Still fun though. That's like one of the only two sports that I'm good at. The other is swimming. And that one I'm awesome at if I do say so myself. Can anyone guess...
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I fuckin' hate sprint!!!!!! Can I get an amen?? I'm so beat right now, and all I want to do is talk with my lady and I can't. And the reason I can't? Well maybe you can tell me. I've put two payments on my phone bill in the last 24 hours and the stupid thing is still shut off. What the fuck is going...
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Damn I like your new profile. I like to see my name all over it. love
Your v is so sexy I want to follow it with my tongue! I wonder where it will take me biggrin
Okay, first off gotta say hey to my sexy, sexy, sexy lady Jennifer. Of all the good, awesome, and amazing things that have happened to me in the recent past, she is the pinacle of them. I've never met a chick that I have more in common with. We're both geeks. We're both a tad jaded. We're both facinated with death, I think. I'll have...
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Baby you beyond rock! Sounds like you had a crazy day a work. My phone is not working right now. I can't receive calls or call out. frown
I don't know what's wrong. I tried to call that is how I found out my cells not working skull
Damn today has sucked. mad
I'm sick as fuck right now. I think it's because I'm quiting smoking though. So it's kinda like...a trial by fire. You know, if I can make through being really sick and going to work and being miserable and not smoke one cigarette the whole time, then my friends I think we have a winner. Saturday it will have been a week since I've smoked...
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Time to update your journal entry babe I have nothing new to comment about. Although I do love all the lovely things you said about me. You rock! kiss
So I had my rant yesterday. It was nice to get that stuff off my chest. I have never really done anything like that before. I mean, it didn't make any of my shit go away, but I met the most amazing chick last night as a result. My pain=new friend.(Maybe more?)It's weird how stuff works sometimes. We talked for sooooo long last night. We...
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I am totally blushing right now. blush You are so much fun to talk to. I haven't connected with someone like this in a really long time. You definately put the spring back onto my step. kiss
Does anyone ever accually read these things? Probably not. Good. So i'm like stuck right now. I don't know what the problem is but I just don't know what is going on in my life. It took me 4 years to get to were I am today. Four long, hard years filled with blood sweat and tears. And now that I'm here...I don't know. I...
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Hey sweetie please don't be sad. It could be worse, you could be me. frown Heart break is a part of life unfortunately. I have been thought it twice and it blows. If your loney talk to me, I am always willing to listen and bitch back biggrin
jenn skull
We are chating right now, but in case I forget thanks for the comment. You're not THAT weird. smile